Professor Richard Saundry

Principle Research Fellow, University of Westminster

Professor Richard Saundry is the UK's leading academic authority on the management of discipline, grievance and workplace conflict. He was a national officer at the National Union of Mineworkers between 1988 and 1994. After moving into academia he held posts at the University of Westminster and the Universities of Leeds, Sheffield, Central Lancashire and Plymouth. He is an author of Managing Employment Relations, the core CIPD textbook for Employee Relations. 

His work has been published in a wide range of leading international academic journals. His current work focuses on developing managerial capability and he has spearheaded the development of innovative online training interventions as part of the Skilled Managers programme, led by the University of Westminster and funded by the Economic and Social  Research Council (ESRC). Richard has worked particularly closely with the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Acas) over the last ten years to shape policy and identify and evaluate innovative practice.